What could I do today?
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One thing I could do today which could make a difference

Choose a socio-scientific issue, such as GM crops and use the six thinking caps technique to help the students consider all the different points of view;

          White hat – Discuss the facts and other objective information   about the problem

          Red hat – Share feelings and emotions about the issue

          Black hat – Present the negative aspects of the situation

          Yellow hat – Discuss the positive or the advantages aspects

          Green hat –Discuss the alternatives, think creatively about the issue

          Blue hat -  Need to think about the thought processes which have occurred with the other 5 hats, and what you have learnt       from this - metacognition.

What is it? Why do it? How do I do it? What could I do today?

Copyright © 2004 biology-teacher.com
Last modified: 08/12/04